Sunday, January 15, 2012

I am getting through

Tonight as I was getting the boys ready for bed, a mess was made and Hyrum jumped to my rescue. He said, "Hey Mom I will help you, it makes me feel good!"  Hooray for important life lessons getting through to my kids.  I know that because of his age he will not always admit to things like this, but the times that the kids let me know that I am not a broken record make it worth it.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

What an awesome mom you are! Leilani just told me your blog was public again, so I've been catching up on your recent life. I am so impressed by your grace. It shows that you use your kids' well being as your guide for getting through this difficult time. So many people have a hard time doing that amidst the pain involved with divorce. Good for you. Even on the days that seem dark right now, there's a great life ahead of you, without the current days' stress and pains. Sounds like your head and heart are in the right place.