Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Times They Are A Changing!

So remember back a few months ago when I said, hey if you know anyone single and decent to send them my way, well I have kinda gotten my with and to be honest it is NOT what I want.  Ha!  It is kinda ironic how things happen in life....  I thought that I would enjoy dating lots of different guys, but I don't.  Don't get me wrong, is is great to be told that I am beautiful and attractive..... a really nice change after my marriage actually... but I am at a point in my life where I am just enjoying being Paige and the boys.  

I quite enjoy my free time and going out with different random people, but the second that they say that actually like me and want to get to know me, I am sorta turned off at the moment.  I know this sounds irrational as why else would they ask me out if they were not some what already semi interested in me to begin with, but I am finding myself turning this dating into a game.  The same game that I hate when it is played on me!  

I sit through conversations with guys and find myself forcing myself to pay attention and wondering if my not taking medicine for ADHD would turn the conversation into something a big more amusing.  I often times am trying to talk my way out of the conversation and get off the phone.  This makes me seem weird as I am anything but anti social.... but I am just not into wanting to date to be in a relationship right now.  

Sometimes conversations get confusing and I have to check my phone to see who it is I am talking to and remember to call them by the right name.  I have actually called guys by the wrong name, thanks for being a good sport Will!

This leads me to a conversation that I had with Hyrum back in November that I want to make sure and remember.

H- Mom there is this girl in 3rd grade and she is HOT!
Me- Oh yeah. What does that mean?
H- I think I am going to kiss her!
Me- I don't think you are ready for that just yet.
H- Why not? I've seen you do it and we are both single you know...
Me- Maybe when you are a little bit older.
H- So it's pretty gross then?
Me- Yes Hyrum, yes it is.
H- So why do you do it then?
Me- Silence.

How is that for honestly tonight?  I have missed my blog and the release that comes from writing my thoughts out.  Hopefully you will hear from my a little bit more often in 2013!

1 comment:

rawhide said...

¨You can take the player out of the game, but you can´t take the game out of the player!¨
Good luck sister!!!