Friday, May 18, 2012


I heard this from a friend, who read it on a bumper sticker. "Some days all I want to be is a missing person."  This week I have been feeling like it at bedtime.  Getting the box fed and ready for bed is easy but this week they have decided to give me a run for my money and refuse to fall asleep.  

I started the post a few nights ago.  I had actually made the choice to go to bed early again.  Kaden woke up with a barking seal cough and I knew that he would need a breathing treatment.  What is a single parent supposed to do when they have one sick needing medical attention child and 2 others asleep.  Luckily Kyle answered his phone and was able to get Kaden a breathing treatment.  Prayers were answered that night and Kaden is on the mend.

While on the topic of sleep, last night I fell asleep putting the boys to sleep and my body woke up on it's own at 2 in the morning, I guess it figured it had the usual 5 hours of sleep and it was time to wake up. Little did it know that I could sleep for an additional 4 1/2 hours.  I tried everything I could think of and ended up out checking the stars.  If you ever are in need of a star tracking app I recommend star walk.  It shows on so many different levels the stars in the sky and when it is dark and a clear sky there are many to be seen.  I have used it a few times before but I actually figured it out and it was really neat.  Maybe I will save up my money and get myself a telescope one of these days.

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