Sunday, November 4, 2012


It's November, the month of Thanksgiving, I am going to post on here things I am thankful for.  To catch my blog up, here are the things from the last few days I posted on Facebook.

Day 3     Today I am grateful for the last year of my life. A year ago last night my life changed dramatically and surprisingly with all I've been through I can still say its for the better. I've met so many wonderful new people and grown closer to many of those I already knew. Love each day to the fullest, enjoy the now, and look to the future with hope!

Day 2     Today I'm thankful for my voice. After sounding like a 14 year old boy with a cracking voice mixed with Hannah Montana all week it's nice to have it back! I'm also thankful for air conditioning. One really appreciates things more when they break and you don't have them.

Day 1     Today I am thankful for a B on my muscle test considering the class average was F. If only I could spell muscle names I would have had an A. But still I'm thankful! 

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