Monday, March 26, 2012

A Whirl Wind Week

This is a crazy week for me. Please pray that I will have the courage to make it through in one piece. I had a good friend's apartment get broken into today. It just makes me realize that we are all vulnerable to other people in this world.  My family is all dealing with their own crazy events, my Grandpa had a mini stroke today and is in the hospital, my sisters happy in love or would love to be happy. My brother is single parent of the year and I am counting down these last 4 days with lots of anxiety.  I don't understand why I am so anxious for something I know is right. It is just hard to now be in control on my own fate and to trust that a judge will be fair to all parties involved.  I want what is best for my boys and that is what I am constantly reminding myself.  I have a great support network of friends all over this country from the 27 moves we have made.  I am blessed to be able to call so many people friends. My boys know that something is going to happen this Friday but don't really understand what. They just know that mom is preparing for a big meeting.  I am glad that I am on my side of the table with my support group.  Thanks to everyone who has been a part of my life and cheered me along the way.  I am who I am because of many of you and the experiences I have had! I am thankful to have a friend fly across the country to sit at my side on Friday.  With her there I know that all will be ok and we will be taken care of.

1 comment:

G-mom said...

So I'll be praying for you. Thinking of you soooooooo much. ((hugs))