After school was adventurous today. We were all playing at the school playground and Quinten slipped and bit threw his lip. My friend who was with me suggested that we ask our other neighbor who is a paramedic to check it out because we all know that I don't need another visit to the urgent care center. He checked it out and said that it could go either way but to err on the side of caution to take him in because it was gaping open wide. When I got there, it turns out that they don't do stitches inside the mouth because of the high risk of infection, but it turns out that Quinten's ears were clogged with wax and he has a major ear infection which they were only able to see once they cleaned out his ears. So much wax! His lip is swollen huge but he will survive and thanks to the medicine for the ear infection it should hopefully clear up the infection in his lungs as well and we should be on the road to recovery. I guess with it finally cooling off during the nights that it is time for all the kids to get flu shots. Last year we didn't do it and all the boys got the flu really bad.
Today I am grateful for friends who are willing to watch my kids at a moments notice while I have to go in to the urgent care center even though they themselves have just gotten home from the dentist when their own kid's teeth have been knocked out. I am grateful for all the times I have stepped up to help out others throughout the last few years because I can definitely see it being given back these days. It is very humbling to ask others for help when I am not able to do do it all myself.
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