Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Nothing oh too exciting is happening in my life right now other then I am still unpacking, staying up way too late, and most mornings waking up way too early.  Every day I am finding more and more things at my house that have to be fixed, I have met some pretty nice repair people and me being who I am, ask lots of questions.  I have learned how to take apart a sink faucet and change the insides and also how to tighten a bolt to fix the water valve on the washing machine hook ups.  I love learning how to fix things!  The good news is that my house, the bad news is that everything is almost fixed and not having my boys leaves me with no excuse to not have my house put back together completely yet.  Oh wait, other than the fact that I have gone on some fun dates and made sure to not be a hermit crab inside my place.
 Yesterday I took this little guy out of daycare where he spends his daytime hours and we went on a date.  Where does my favorite 2 year old pick? HEB of course!  He said we needed to buy food and candy!  After that we spent the afternoon cleaning - once again his choice, and playing with hot wheels - this kid is quite the inventor!  The date ended surprising the other 2 boys and getting to take them all out to Kyle's.  I am a firm believer in the phrase absence makes the heart grow fonder.  I love my kids and have realized that even the little things like cutting fingernails can be a treat instead of a chore!

The 4th of July was an interesting day, I realized that holidays don't have to be jam packed full of entertaining and that it is ok to do simple projects around the house as well.  If not my own house, someone else's works too.  The night was spent watching the San Antonio Scorpions win.  After watching Hyrum play soccer for a few years now, and watching high school games it is nice to know more of the rules and follow the game better.  Sometimes it is fun to watch the players get in trouble and carded though because it adds some excitement to the game.  Watching the fireworks burst in the sky was a great way to end the night.  I don't know who came up with the idea that we should blow things up in the sky to celebrate our independence - but thank you!  I wish we could have fireworks every night of the year.  Maybe that is why my little sister Jenna loves working at Disney World so much.....

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