Friday, May 11, 2012

The paperwork - The letter

I have had a few friends ask me for advice on what to say to their friends who have just been served with divorce paperwork, so I decided to write out my thoughts so anyone could see what I would say.  I have shared this and more with some friends already.  These are my thoughts now that my divorce is final and I have received the 2 most expensive pieces of paper of my life.


So I started out writing a completely different letter. The advice that I would give you right now, after a pretty crazy post divorce day is that single parenting is challenging, but you can do it!  Make sure and have a great support group, you may have a few good friends now, but they will become lifesavers on a particularly stressful day.  Also while on the topic of friends, this will be a discovery period for you.  You will find who is a true friend and who just enjoys the drama.  Look towards those great and wonderful friends, and if a new person reached out to you, give them a chance; they could turn into one of your best friends!  Even though there may be people in your husband’s family whom you like and are on your side, distance yourself from them.  You need to have that break.  Families usually stick by their own and now you will be an outcast.

Don’t keep what you are going through a secret, don’t go out of your way to broadcast all the details to everyone, have a few close friends who you can vent to and receive feedback from.  At the same time, don’t be afraid to tell someone that there is more to you and who you are than your relationship, or lack thereof with your soon to be ex-husband.  There were days when I had to ask family and friends to talk about other topics.  When they ask you, they are not wanting to be nosey, they are just curious as many of them have not experienced it themselves and they don’t understand the complete 180 a person can make.

Take the time to look outside of yourself and serve others, serving others will help you to realize that there are other people in the world who are worse off than you.  Yes, the situation you are in totally does suck and no one I know who has experienced it would wish divorce on their worst enemy, but it will not kill you.  You can come out of this experience a stronger person and even surprise yourself with all that you are capable of doing!  The lady that I have cut my hair handed me a people magazine one day and told me to read it to get my thoughts on other people’s problems to forget my own.  It worked, but I think that service is a wonderful option as well!

No one goes into a marriage hoping it will end in divorce, that would be crazy – you would never have gotten married to begin with.  But as a result of our free agency you are put in this situation.  You have the choice to allow it to make or break you.  I choose to allow it to mold me into a stronger person; I hope you make the same choice.  There will be many times where you struggle with why me, but look at it as you are not being punished.  Why not you?  You are given this opportunity to learn and have a chance at a better life and relationship with a person whom it truly devoted to you.  Heavenly Father has not forgotten about you in this time of your life and you will find very many tender mercies if you are looking with a positive outlook.

Remember to pray for things.  But remember to pray for more than just your failing marriage.  It was not all you focused on pre divorce paperwork, why the sole focus now?  Read your scriptures and truly delve into them.  On nights when I was having a hard time falling asleep or with bad dreams, I would read my scriptures even if just a few verses and I would sleep more soundly through the night.

Find a good counselor and take the time to counsel with your Bishop. My Bishop a few times asked if meeting him was helping me, I assured him that yes it was.  Knowing that I was meeting with a man who was called of God to be over me brought me comfort even if most of the times I was the one speaking.  Sometimes just the questions that were asked got me thinking for the next few weeks and made me look at life in an entirely new way.  I am forever grateful to my counselor and my Bishop for keeping me sane and laughing through the hard times.  Also be willing to ask for blessings if you feel the need.

Take the time to make new traditions and hobbies for yourself and your kids.  Continue some of the old ones if you want to, but not if they will have painful memories of what was.  There is no point dwelling on the old and the past unless you want yourself to hurt more and to not emotionally heal.  Allow yourself to feel and experience all of the emotions that are going through your body but set a time limit.  You don’t want to live life moping around.

For your children’s sake, allow them to have a picture of them with their dad but not a family picture of all of you together.  File those old family pictures away for when they are older and might want them.  You will be tempted to get rid of everything of you together, I have had friends who have done that, but now a few years back they wished they had kept something for their kids.  Take old family pictures off your computer, no good will come from scrolling through them.  You will not feel any better.  It is ok to remember the good with the bad but remember that you did have so many years of great times and that too has shaped you into the woman that you are.

When food stops tasting good, force yourself to eat.  You can’t be your best self and the best mother that you know how to be if you are not physically taking care of yourself.  Tell others around you about your lack of desire to eat and ask them to kindly help you eat.  Try new foods and go out of your comfort zone in this area.  Learn to make new foods so you don’t have the same constant memories with the meals as before.  Exercise.

My life is what it is, and it is wonderful!  I am who I am because of all that I have experienced and I know that my first marriage was and is still a blessing in my life. I would not go back and change things about it.  I lived my life the best way that I knew how to.  Was I perfect, far from it! I am human and I made plenty of mistakes.  Allow the Atonement to be a part of your life, truly search the scriptures in the quiet moments of the night.  How could Christ have died for our sins and those of others if he did not know how we would respond and react to different circumstances in our lives?  Start praying for forgiveness now.

Make yourself make plans for the future, they don’t have to be concrete plans, but having a future goal you are reaching towards will give you a new purpose in your life and will feel wonderful when you, in time, have reached that goal.  Then make sure you set new ones.

When your divorce is totally final and you have gotten to the point where you are ready to date, don’t throw yourself at any guy that comes along.  Give all guys one chance because you might be pleasantly surprised when someone has the qualities and traits you were wanting in a person.  Take the time to make yourself feel attractive even if money is tight you will be glad that you did!  It will feel odd when you kiss a new guy for the first time after years with the husband but it is thrilling and exciting too.  You might feel naughty at first, but it is better than being a teenager!  Be careful though because you have so much more power than you realized you did as a teenager.  Read for the strength of youth and draw your lines and choose to stick to them before you even go out with a man.

Heavenly Father is a God of love, he wants us to be happy and he will bless you with all that you stand in need of and are deserving of.  There will come a time when you will see your (ex)husband in an entirely new light and there is not that same attraction and pull, still treat him kindly and with respect.  There were many times that I took the cheap shots offered to me and it didn’t make me feel better.  There will be many things that you will not understand, stop trying, you will only make yourself crazy!  There will be many things that will be out of your control, don’t focus on those things.  Try not to tell your children bad things about their father, he is still their father whether or not he is being a positive example or not.

Work on being the healthiest, happiest you that you can be.  Figure out a few new hobbies, or allow yourself the time to get back into old hobbies that you allowed to die for the season in your marriage relationship.  You will feel better doing these things and it will help you to have a distraction of all the other thoughts in your mind.  Do not do things wishing to have your husband back, there is no need for manipulation and trickery, but it is ok to dress nicely and have your act together at times when he will come over to pick up your kids.  Treat your relationship with him as a business deal. Need to know information.  And know that even once the divorce is final, they will still know how to push your buttons.

And finally, take revised family pictures of you with your kids.  You need a new picture as the dynamics of your family have changed.  Smile when you want to, laugh when you want to, and make sure that your children know that you will always be there for them no matter what!  You can do anything thanks to google and youtube, or don't be afraid to ask others for help.

Love yourself for who you are and what you stand for.  You will be blessed for taking the higher road and will come out of this bump in the road as unscathed as you can.  I believe in you!!


1 comment:

Myndie said...

Beautifully written, Paige. I'm so glad you are doing well despite the trials thrown your way. As I go through trials, I always think of the analogy of the rock with rough edges going through the river and it becomes smooth with every toss, turn, bump, etc. Eventually the entire thing becomes smooth. Through out all of these trials, we will eventually become smooth.