Monday, January 23, 2012

Quinten's surgery

Quinten in pre op coloring in his new coloring book.
Quinten has been sick since Halloween, or maybe it was before Halloween that's the furthest back date I can really remember the constant ear infections and infected throat in this never ending battle of antibiotics.  I had taken him in to the pediatrician a few weeks before and while there she recommended I get him an appointment with the ENT. Little did I know that we would be in her office 2 more times that week getting him shots because the antibiotics were not working and his ear drums were bulging.  So I got him into the ENT pretty quick compared to the crazy wait from when Kaden was dealing with the same problems a few years ago.  Even though they got him in quick the surgery schedule was booked up for the month.  They told me to go ahead and get all the necessary blood work done because sometimes there is a cancellation and that way he would be ready if an opening arose.  Little did I know I would receive a phone call from them 5 days later letting me know about an opening the next day.

So last Wednesday, the 18th, I woke up super early and we headed to the surgery center with George - stuffed animal, towel - his blanket, and his baby - the pacifier he found a week before and I let him keep because he was in so much pain and it seemed to console him.  In pre op his managed to bite a hole in his baby right as they were getting ready to take him back, it ended up being the perfect solution to getting rid of the non needed attachment once again.  Surgery to put tubes in his ears and remove his adenoids was a success however when he woke up and they took out his breathing tube there was a problem.  His runny nose drained down into his lungs during the surgery.  When I got back to see him he has already had a breathing treatment, and steroids into his IV.  They were concerned because his oxygen level was not going up on it's own.  He looked ashy and lifeless. I knew from having 2 kids have this surgery before it wasn't normal for him to be acting the way he was and for the recovery nurse to keep listening to him and stand over me that things were not going as planned.  After another dose of steroids,more sleep, lots of prayers and more medical care however, he was finally able to get his oxygen stats up on his own with the room temperature (thank goodness! I was worried when they started talking about admitting him to the hospital). 

First popsicle after waking up.

So it was a crazy day and when he got home that same day he felt well enough to ride his trike.  It is amazing how resilient little kids are.  He did really well the first night and slept all night long but has since taken up thinking the middle of the night is awake time and play time but really I think that laying down just makes the drainage from his nose bother the healing adenoids.  At least this is over and done with now though and we can move on to taking care of the rest and getting him to feeling tip top shape so he will sleep through the night again!

All better and on our way home!

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